Now you can dropship thousands of product from Kumoten to Shopee. Shopee is the leading mobile e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. With more than 3 million user downloads in Malaysia alone, Shopee continues to be the leading Mobile Commerce you should start dropship into and win more sales.


  1. Easy Select and Sync product info from Kumoten to your Shopee store
  2. Sign up as a Shopee seller FREE 
  3. Auto stock balance update every hour
  4. When you receive order from Lazada, system will automatically fulfil the order. No need to copy and paste customer order details.
  5. Systematic Tracking ID Management
  6. Free access to all productss in Kumoten
  7. Unlimited access on how many items you can select and sync to Shopee
  8. No need to pay us anything until you receive order for the item. 
  9. Pay only for the item you sold. Wholesale price even one unit
  10. No minimum order requirement
  11. We pack and deliver directly to your customer

Step 1. Integrate Your Kumoten And Shopee Account.

Enjoy the full suite of Kumoten Dropship Automation features Easy Select & Sync, Auto Inventory Update, Auto Order Fulfilment and..More

Step 2. Sync Product to My Shopee Shop.

How do I sync mystore products to Shopee? We've devised a simple and effective way to upload products to your shop...More

Step 3. Update Tracking Number and Fulfill Order.

Congratulations on your sales! So in this section, you will learn how to update tracking number...More

Things that you need to know

Pending Cart

Stay Calm! Why my order in pending cart? What Should I do? After topup credit still in pending cart...More